By Koh Yizhe
If you have just finished your GCE O Levels and are thinking of a career in the sports industry, you’ll be happy to know that there are four courses from two polytechnics that offer sports-related diplomas.
Republic Polytechnic
Diploma in Sports and Exercise Sciences (DSES)
The Diploma in Sports and Exercise Sciences (DSES) is focused on giving you a foundation in sports performance and will set you up for a place in the fitness and wellness industry. Graduates can work as personal trainers or coaches.
Daniel Khoo, a year two student from DSES, had this to say about the course. "The reason why I chose to go into the sports industry is because I like sports and doing what you like is the most important thing when choosing a course. This course is about the mechanics of humans in sports."
"For example, what are the reasons why one gains strength after doing strength training? What causes the increase in strength? How long does it last? Stuff like that. I’m still currently studying the various topics and each topic is really interesting. They are all related to each other which make learning all the more engaging. I find the whole understanding of how an athlete progresses through training and the whole mechanics of this progression extremely appealing to me."
"The Diploma in Sports and Exercise Sciences is a very interesting and addictive course. It's definitely the course for people who love and seek to learn more about sports."
This course has a cut-off point (COP) of 25 points.
Diploma in Sports and Leisure management (DSLM)
The Diploma in Sports and Leisure Management (DSLM) aims to provide graduates with a skills to play a role in the sports industry, specifically the sports business line.
"It’s rare to have a school to provide such courses. I believe it is definitely a special opportunity for people who desire to be a coach in future. For an aspiring sportsman, this would definitely be a stepping stone to reach further. Joining a course like Sports and Leisure Management provides greater understanding about the world of sports and also, cultivate more knowledge one has for sports," said Hadi Harris, a year 2 student in this DSLM. He also plays for the Republic Polytechnic floorball team, who won the 2008 Polytechnic – Institute of Technical Education (POL-ITE) title.
"There are many reasons why I chose this course. Firstly, I am a lover of sports and I feel that it is important to do what you like. Secondly, this is certainly a unique opportunity as I mentioned earlier. Lastly, but most definitely not least, it is my dream to go into the sports industry and joining such a course is an honourable way to start this dream of mine."
"The schedule I have in year two is extremely flexible and relaxed. It’s an independent lifestyle whereby learning is in your own hands. Do it or fail to do so: you have control over it. Hence, it's pretty cool.”
There is a COP of 25 as well for this course.
Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning (DOAL)
The Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning is for those interested in the outdoor and adventure field of work.
This course involves a significant amount of activities outside the classroom and definitely for those who come alive in the great outdoors.
Jeremy Tong said this about DOAL, "I chose this course because it stands out from the rest and it represents what Singaporeans and young people should be doing and that is to be daring in their pursuits and ideas. For me personally, it is to pull yourself out from the mainstream and do what you really feel passionate about."
"Using one word to sum it all up, I would say that it is all about adventure. We do the things by practicing them and we enjoy ourselves in the process. By being in the outdoors, we actually create platforms for practicing what we have learnt in the classroom. It is real application!"
"I have been given a lot of opportunities to do what I have always wanted to do which is to climb mountains and also to pump myself up with rock-climbing, biathlons and adventure races. All of which have come into play with what I learnt in my course which is the diploma in outdoor and adventure."
Interested students go through a medical examination before they can take this course.
Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma in Sports and Wellness Management
The Diploma in Sport & Wellness Management at Nanyang Polytechnic prepares students for the business side of sports and leisure. The diploma covers topics such as country club and facility management, workplace health promotion, personal fitness leadership and the leisure industries.
Unique to NYP is the Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP) training whereby students gain practical hands-on learning. There is an 11-week industry attachment which complements the 6-month TEP stint.
The cut-off point for this diploma is 17.
NYP sports and wellness is definitely the course for sports people! there’s an equal amount of boys and girls. 🙂
we’ve got hariss harun and hafiz. Lionel Lewis was from my course too!
is nanyang poly sport course fun and useful? I wonder if there’s gonna be alot more guys in this course then girls
The RP pedagogy is not the norm in Singapore but I think in the long-run, the students will benefit from it.
It’s challenging for students to adapt to it after 10 years of focusing on memory work as you have mentioned.
I have visited both polys with my boys who have just completed their O level. I must add that RP has a more sports oriented programme that will enable my boys to excel beyond just sports person. On the contrary, I feel that NYP sports and wellness focuses more towards the business side. However, RP seems to have a better pedagogy. I remember memorizing all the things before exam. Seriously, I cannot remember any of them now because I do not practice it anymore.
Just to promote sports n wellness in nyp.
Hariss Harun is in that course currently year 1 !
and the cut off point for the course is 17