By Calvin Sim, Senior Physiotherapist, Back2Sports

The ankle is prone to twisting from either landing awkwardly or too sudden a change in direction. Taping up the ankle using the Figure-8 technique helps provide support while still allowing sufficient movement in the ankle.

Figure 1: Push the foot back until it is a neutral position, roughly 90 degrees to the lower leg, as if you are standing upright on your foot. The athlete should hold this foot position during taping.

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

Figure 2: Starting from just ankle at the bone protrusion, tape down across the center point at where the ankle bends. Ensure that the tape is taut and smooth.

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

Figure 3: Tape the foot underneath the arch (closer to the heel).

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

Figure 4 & 5:
Continue to the other side.
Pull the tape across the same center point at where the ankle bends forming an ´X'.

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

Figure 6 & 7: Pull the tape across the other bone protrusion. Wrap behind the ankle and end the tape at where it first started. Check to ensure that ankle can move freely and it not too tight.

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

Figure 8: For more support, repeat steps 2-7 for a second round of tape place slight off the first round.

sports taping of ankle

Photo by Back2Sports

Back2Sports – Sports Injury Management is a division of the Core Concepts Group, a leading musculo-skeletal therapy specialist group in Singapore. For more information, visit