LATEST UPDATE: 424 people have done the survey. Thanks! I’m aiming for at least 500-750 for the results to be statistically rigorous. Based on this sample of readers, the average age of Red Sports readers is 19. The guys to girls ratio is 73% to 27%.

Hi athletes and sports fans,

I started this website because I believe that Singapore sports, particularly school sports, deserve more attention. Pick up a newspaper in most countries in the world and the sports section is firstly about that country’s sports followed by international sports. In Singapore, it’s perversely the reverse. Why that is can be debated until we are blue in the face, but never mind. No point complaining. Let’s just change it ourselves.

Hence, Red Sports.

If you believe that Red Sports fills a role, I need your help in participating in a survey. As you know, I’m depending on advertising to help cover costs and make a living. I promised when I started that I would not solicit students, teachers or schools for funding and I will keep that promise. My aim is to speak to advertisers. However, to speak to them, I need to tell them who is reading Red Sports. Right now, I can’t prove who is reading it. I will not sell the information to any third party. That’s a promise.

So whether or not you are presently a school athlete or working adult, as long as you read Red Sports regularly, I welcome your participation in this survey.

Will you help me? If so, please click on the highlighted words below:

Readers Survey

Red Sports. Always Game.



If you would like to help out Red Sports with a donation, you can go to the RedSports Shop for more details.