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The team list for the Under-18 Singapore Combined Schools was released midway during the second round of the 2008 National A Division Basketball Championship.
The team comprises 11 players from the A Division and one player, Colin Chou, from the B Division.
The team list is as follows, from:
Hwa Chong Institution: Calvin Chia, Lim Shengyu, Poon Chong Lin, Heng Hock Sing, Chiam Hong Yao
Temasek Junior College: Kan Wei Hong, Koh Chee Siang
Raffles Junior College: Danny Chua
Anderson Junior College: Ang Wei Xian
National Junior College: Bernard Lip
Victoria Junior College: Macus Yap
Chung Cheng High (Main): Colin Chou
Also known as the Singapore Combined Schools Red team, the boys will be defending their Youth Cup title this June to July. Last year’s Combined Schools team defeated Home United in the 2007 Final.
Check out the Singapore U-18 Combined Schools (Girls) team.
shut up, HI, whoever you are.
i dont think mr michael wong was in the selection committee at all..
even if he was, im sure he will not choose his own hc players over others…
please be careful bout how you are potraying him….
its not fair to him and the players in the comb sch now…
there must be a reason why these players are chosen…
looking only at individual skills and importance to their sch team is really shallow…
i think we should not blame the players in the team- instead blame the ppl selecting i mean Mike Wong teacher i/c of HCI was in the selection commitee
i mean with the dominance of HCI in the A boys i can understand why they have so many HCI players – but HOCK SENG!!!!!!!! i think the VJC center played a lot better then him.
first point how can teachers of JCs pick the combined school teams – its just wrong!!! have they not heard of CONFLICT OF INTEREST
its not fair that HCI has so many gals in the Combined school team – I felt that RJC was on par but they have 2 whilst HCI have 5
unlike the B boys they have trials b4 the combined schools teams are formed – but in the A boys, the teams are chosen by the AJC, HCI AND SAJC (Coach)
No desrespct to these teachers but they should not be the one doing the selection cos they have other interests at heart, combine schools team places should be given to the desreving players who played well in the A boys and NOT guys with PAST credentials
Anyway i think that the combined schools team should have the 4 boys from HCI (NOT HOCK SENG – he can barley do a lay up )
#14 and the center of AJC
PG, Marcus, and Center of VJC
2 guards and center from TJC
either no 6 from RJC or NO 7 from NJC or No 8 from IJC
i find colin really a good player,I played with him before.His skill really can be compare to Jc level.All the best .Combined school.
why zhihao not in combined schools?
people get chosen for a reason. even if some others are good or even better, im sure they agree that they got other platforms to perform ma. people shld give and take. to criticise is so narrow-minded.
just hope the combined sch team the best in defending the milo cup! (:
[…] Check out the Singapore U-18 Combined Schools (Boys) team. […]
The Singapore Combined Schools Red (Girls) team list is as follows:
Hwa Chong Institution: Wan Qian Ling, Chong Jieying, Athena Tan, Tan Seow Hwee, Phua Kaiyi
Victoria Junior College: Lim Liying, Tay Yin Ling
St Andrew’s Junior College: Nur Hidayah Bte Hamidon, Krist Ng
Nanyang Junior College: Ng Bao Xian
Raffles Junior College: Jamie Chow, Joelynn Ng
Wow. Famous Colin Chou from CCHM got in! It’s amazing that he’s the only one in Secondary School to get into the Combined Schools team! I watched him play and his skills were awesome!
yes. wan xin damn zai can
why macus get in combined,. should get wan xin get in 😀 , macus have 2nd year to get in:D
loh wan xin from vj deserves a spot!!!
hmm.. zhi hao’s not a m’sian for sure.. and he’s a s’pore pr now..
Thanks bball#10…so that begs the question. Who is on the Singapore Schools White team?
zhihao is not in combined sch cuz he’s from malaysia. only s’poreans get chosen i think.
to anonymous singapore schools red is age 18 and below
singapore schools white is 16 and below
bt this yr red and white and in u18.unlike last yr they have 1 team in u18 and 1 team in u16.
ya. u choose next year lor. tsk. coach noob. dont know how to choose players. hai =(
go scold the coach lor. next year ur turn to choose the team hor.
Ya. pls name someone in combined schs who the nj plyer is better then. haha. no offence la, but i think there are definitely plyers more deserving.
“bernard is definitely more skillful than some other ppl in the combined school
so pls dont doubt him?” haha. who, can name a few since you said some? i can easily find some others who are better than him. wanxin, zhihao, zhishu. and if you wanna compared with people playing his position, kenneth, guan jie, even ajc number 11 also better than him.
of all, i think Heng Hock Sing from HCI is the best player. he didnt play much for his school but still, he make it to the team.