Calling all sports teams!

Would you like to have your own team blog hosted on Red Sports?

With a gazillion sites out there on the web, the internet can be a rather lonely place. We thought it would be great if Singapore teams can come together under one roof. That way, you can drop in and say hello to your friends or just to bug the living daylights out of your rivals. 😉 If you don’t want the name of your blog publicised in Red Sports, that’s fine too. We respect your privacy.

It’s free and we promise you there is no catch. We are not going to turn around six months later (or at any time) and say, “Ah, you now have to pay rent.” It’s rent-free.

If you are interested, just decide on what team name you like:

Then contact us via email. All teams, clubs and organisations are welcome to join as long as my server can take it. If I cannot tahan (Malay for “endure”), I will cap the number of blogs that I can host until I get more space.

Catholic High basketball decided to move in and you can find their blog at:

I hope you will consider moving in because that will help uncle Les and Red Sports because I was told by advertisers: “Your traffic is not high enough. We won’t advertise with you.” Wah lau, 30,000 readers monthly still not high enough?!?!

So uncle Les boh pian (Hokkien for “no choice”) and so I have to scratch my head again to think of ways of increasing traffic. So by helping you with hosting a team blog on Red Sports, you will be helping me too.


Red Sports. Always Game.®

uncle les


N.B. Please note that Catholic High School are not endorsing Red Sports. The teams are setting up their blogs the way many teams have done on other free hosting sites like blogger.

If you would like to just have a team roster page on Red Sports, that’s possible. What is a team roster page? It’s a page that shows the individual members of your team, their names and the positions they play. Why have such a page? Well, a lot of times, it’s very hard for photographers and writers to recognise who the players are. If you provide a picture and a name, it will help with reporting the news. Check out this team page as an example:


Terms and conditions for team blogs:

Having a blog on REDSPORTS.SG does not mean you are endorsing Red Sports in any way.

I will not take any of your stuff on your website for the promotion of REDSPORTS.SG. If Red Sports is interested in your story, we will ask you for permission to use it. You can say no. We won’t throw you out. On the other hand, you can cut and paste whole stories from REDSPORTS.SG and insert it into your team blog if you like. Please provide a link back to the main site.

We will have a directory of all team blogs and we will tell the world that you are in that directory. But if you would like to retain your privacy and be left off the list, we respect your privacy. We won’t throw you out.

You can take any picture you like on REDSPORTS.SG for your blog without permission. Just don’t cut off the watermark please.

You allow us to put in ads into your blogs without restrictions. Sorry we can’t share the advertising revenue with you at this time because money no enough at Red Sports at the moment. All ad placements will be similar to what you see on REDSPORTS.SG.

Unfortunately, you can’t change the look of your blog. Fortunately, we will change our skins periodically to keep the look fresh and that’s when we will change it for yours too to reflect that your blog is part of the family. You’ll have to trust our taste.

If you have any other questions, let us know, ok?



你们想在æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Red Sports 主机你们的球队部落格吗?

在ç½ ´Ã©â„¢â€¦Ã§Â½ ´Ã§Â»Å“上有千千万万个ç½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã¯Â¼Å’难免会有点寂寞。æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¥Å“¨æƒ³ï¼Œå¦‚æžœæˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¦-°åŠ å¡çƒé˜Ÿèƒ½å…¨éƒ¨é›†åˆåœ¨ä¸€èµ·ï¼Œå"ªæœ‰å¤šå¥½ï¼è¿™æ ·ï¼Œä½ ä»¬å°±å¯ä»¥æ¥å ´Ã¥Â¯Â¹Ã¦-¹æ‰"个招å ´Â¼Ã¯Â¼Å’æˆ-烦死对æ-¹ ï¼›-) 如果你们不要你们球队 的部落格被公布,这也没问题。æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¥Â°Å Ã¦â€¢Â¬Ã¤Â½Â Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨ÂÂ«Ã¦ÂÆ’。

这完全没条件,完全是免费的。æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¤Â¸ÂÃ¤Â¼Å¡Ã¥Å“¨å…­ä¸ªæœˆåŽåœ¨å ´Ã¤Â½Â Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¨Â®Â¨Ã§Â§Å¸Ã©â€¡ ´Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥Â®Å’全不需要付é'±ï¼å†µä¸",æˆ ´Ã¤Â¼Å¡Ã¦â€ºÂ¿Ã¤Â½Â Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¦â€¹ÂÃ¥â€¦Â¨Ã¤Â½"照,让你们在你们自己的ç½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã¤Â¸Å Ã¦Å“‰è‡ªå·±ä¸ªäººå'Œçƒé˜Ÿçš„照片。

如果你们有兴趣,就选定自己所要的ç½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã¥Å“°å€ï¼Œæ¯"如:

然后就ç"±E-mail 来通知æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¤Â»Â»Ã¤Â½â€¢Ã§ÂÆ’队都欢迎来参加。如果æˆ ´Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å“åŠ¡å™¨å—不了那么多的部落格,æˆ ´Ã¥Â°Â±Ã¤Â¼Å¡Ã©â„¢ÂÃ¥Ë†Â¶Ã§ÂÆ’队部落格的号数。之到æˆ ´Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å“åŠ¡å™¨å†æœ‰ç©ºä½ï¼Œæˆ ´Ã¥Â°Â±Ã¤Â¼Å¡Ã¥â€ ÂÃ¥Â¼â‚¬Ã¦"¾å¤šå‡ äº›éƒ¨è½æ ¼ã€‚

公教中学å'ŒèŽ±ä½›å£«å¥³ä¸­çš„篮球队都已经在æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¨Â¿â„¢Ã©â€¡Å’组织了它们的部落格的。

æˆ ´Ã¥Â¸Å’望你们会考è™ ´Ã¦ÂÂ¥Ã¦Ë† ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¨Â¿â„¢Ã©â€¡Å’组织你们的部落格。这样你就可以帮助æˆ ´Ã¥'Å’Red Sports 。因为赞助商跟æˆ ´Ã¨Â¯Â´Ã¯Â¼Å¡"来往你的ç½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨Â¯Â»Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã¤Â¸ÂÃ¥Â¤Å¸Ã¯Â¼Å’所以æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¤Â¸ÂÃ¤Â¼Å¡Ã¨ÂµÅ¾Ã¥Å Â©Ã¤Â½Â Ã£â‚¬â€š" Ã¥"‡! 每个月30 000 不同的来客都不够啊?!

所以æˆ ´Ã¦Â²Â¡Ã¥Å Å¾Ã¦Â³â€¢Ã¯Â¼Å’要找出如何增加来客。所以在æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Red Sports 组织你的部落格,你将会在帮助æˆ ´Ã¤Âºâ€ Ã£â‚¬â€š




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