The Singapore Rugby Union recently announced a new jersey for the national team. Singapore, with red and white in its national flag, will now wear…black.
This has incensed somebody enough to start – you guessed it – a Facebook group. The group is called, awkwardly, but succintly: “Bring back the red, white and orchid in the Singapore Rugby Jersey.”
Writes the creator of the group, Mark Lee: “14 August 2008 – the day Singapore Rugby ripped its heart out and lost its soul. Yes, its a new dawn with a fantastic new relationship between Singapore Rugby and Guinness. Brilliant as it gives Singapore Rugby the profile it needs and truly deserves. But the tangible implications has saddened me greatly as a Singaporean and someone who used to represent the state colours. Why? Sure it looks great, but this will be the first ever Singapore national sports team of any sort that will be donning black and white which is a massive step away from the traditional state colours of red and white.”
He goes on: “Our national team is not a Nascar vehicle having Mountain Dew colours but one that has an identity of its own. We used to be called the Singapore Reds but i guess we’re going to be called the Singapore Blacks with a nice creamy white head.”
The national flower, the Vanda Miss Joaquim, was also removed from the jersey, leading to one member of the group with a profound affinity for the jilted Vanda to wax eloquently: “The jersey can do but KEEP THE ******* FLOWER!”
Which led us to this exercise in imagination: what if Ribena, Old Chang Kee, Milo, Tiger Airways or Sanrio became next year’s sponsors?
So what do you think?
Feel free to share your opinion via the poll. Multiple answers possible.
So whats your point?
If you’ve read the blog from the begining, the general concensus is that jerseys should match the color of the flags. I pointed out that the ABs and Aussies jersey dont follow their flags.
With a black jersey and three kiwis on the jersey(ever noticed them before?)maybe they will start to play more like NZ.
The colour of a national jersey should not be messed with lightly so I hope they got a very very very good deal when they gave over the whole jersey. Surely they could have included a cool red and white design element to go with the black. The Guiness deal won’t last forever and the jersey won’t be black forever, so something constant should be included.
Me – Good point on Australia and New Zealand but its their prerogative to have all their sports teams having their colours in green/gold and black respectively. However, does Singapore have this in place to wear Black and White for all its teams in the international arena? The answer is no. We can go with another example of Malaysia which has yellow and gold, but that you can see is also uniform across all teams. Well uniformity does exist for the majority of Singapore teams barring cricket, and it is red and white.
McMohan -> just because singapore is traditionally known for red doesnt mean it has to be red. there is no black color in the new zealand flag, neither is there green and gold in australian flag.
Dude but look at the rest of their sports team, for aust all having the same traditional green & gold throught out, even in the on going Beijing Olympics. And also for New Zealand most having the same traditional black. Oya and also for NZ, isn’t it obvious, All BLACKS??? When wearing their White Away jersey always cannot make it??? Not the All WHITES man…
Wow. I love the jerseys Jun Wei designed! I particularly love the sanrio one! Sanrio would be able to sponsor us millions of dollars!
Real men wear pink. Haha. =)
The Ribena, Old Chang Kee, Milo, Tiger Airways jerseys. aint cute.
one last comment, Stade Francais have a pink jersey as an away strip and a blue jerset with fetching floral print of lilies as a home strip.
The “tigers” strip does actually look quite good btw
Hi what-are-you-thinking,
Think you jumped the gun a bit with the comment about “naming me a country’s rugby team who’s jersey colors are NOT represented on their country’s flag!” – Answer, 2 prominant nations come to mind… Australia (Green/Gold) & New Zealand (Black) both nations flags only contain Red, White & Blue… Italy (Blue although their logo contains the Italian flag)
the rugby team will look cute in hot pink ! bound to distract the opponents and win 🙂
the black and white looks good, loooks more like a league jersey. just because singapore is traditionally known for red doesnt mean it has to be red. there is no black color in the new zealand flag, neither is there green and gold in australian flag.
man utd and liverpool have traditionally been known as red, but does anyone know why ?
think outside the box.
Beale >> fyi i heard the football team got alot of s*** for having their blue jersey the last time – alot of people (athletes/ah peks/ang mohs, etc. you get the drift..) thought it was also uncalled for and demanded the red & white back.. its all about national pride man.. not vanity/cool factor/yadayada… even at a generic club level of sports there’s an apparent loyalty to home colours.. how would you like it if Man U/Liverpool changed their home jersey colour to McDonald yellow with stripey ronald socks to match? or as above – Hello Kitty colours if Sanrio throws big money to buy the club?
the main point is – if want black can lah.. but for away or training jersey but home colours has to well be HOME aka country colours..
I want that pink jersey!! Where can you find one!?@
i think all your jerseys are pretty cool man. look at the world of cycling, they don all kinda jerseys..
other than the hello kitty one..that is too far off haha
the black is just wicked cool..and by the way, the singapore jersey for the football team was blue for awhile..
To be fair- it’s the player inside the shirt that counts… I mean don’t you think that you should concentrate on picking up the standard of playing before getting picky about the shirts they wear???
I think the jersey is not bad haha, but not the LOGO! Its quite bad ar! Keep the national flower logo, orchid one is much much nicer la!
If anyone rugger out there is willing to don the pink jersey, and be a model for us, let us know and we’ll work something out. 😉
just name me one singapore team that does not don the red colors as their home jersey.the netball team is red, the singapore lions are red, the singapore bball is red…if u said our singapore jersey will be in white, i am sure no one here will be making noise. For goodness sake…at least a jersey that represent our country’s flag!!
how about naming me a country’s rugby team who’s jersey colors are NOT represented on their country’s flag!
hahaha i actually LIKE the jersey. :p
Strangely enough the previous jersey (red and white) looked somewhat like the Japan jersey
Better hope a red one comes out if it does…but then why parade the black one on the website and at the media conference? Abit farny right?