Story by Chan Hui Mui/Red Sports. Pictures by Vanessa Lim/Red Sports.

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Hayley Mulheron (GK) trying to block Noleen Lennon (GS) from scoring. (Photo 1 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Toa Payoh Sports Hall, December 12, 2009 – Northern Ireland emerged champions of the Netball Nations Cup 2009 after trouncing Scotland 49-34.

Scotland, having lost to Northern Ireland 31-55 in their earlier meet up, came back strong in the first quarter. However, Scotland faded away as the game progressed, and Northern Ireland, who finished third in 2007 edition of Nations Cup, emerged the winner of the match, and the championship.

Scotland with a World Ranking of 13th, surprised Northern Ireland, who had a World Ranking of 19th, in the start of first quarter. Scotland played aggressively to take a quick 5-2 lead.

However, this was as far as Scotland could go. Northern Ireland adapted to Scotland’s play and tightened their defence to steal the lead, going into the second quarter 11-9.

The second quarter saw both teams stepping up the speed of play. However, unforced errors and poor communication from Scotland’s attackers gifted Northern Ireland valuable turnovers. Trouble with footwork from Scotland exacerbated the situation. On the other hand, accurate shooting from Noleen Lennon (Northern Ireland, GS) further add on to the team’s goal tally.

With the score at 27-19, Scotland scored the first goal in third quarter. Northern Ireland soon replied with three goals. Northern Ireland intercepted several balls, hoping to convert them into goals. but instead, saw these interceptions end up as throw-ins for Scotland.

Nevertheless, Northern Ireland were determined to stop Scotland’s passes. Northern Ireland eventually grabbed hold of the interceptions and further widen the lead to 14 points.

In the fourth quarter, Scotland continued to struggle under the tight defence from their opponent. Failure to stop balls being sent to Lennon saw Northern Ireland win the game 49-34 and crowned Nations Cup 2009.

Elaine Rice, coach of Northern Ireland commented, “We have maintained the level of consistency (since the first game). We have improved but not as much as we expected.” Nevertheless, she was still contented with her players’ performance.

Scotland’s coach Denise Holland analysed her team’s performance, “We had a few mis-shots and mis-interpretation of contest and contact. Also, we need to pressure Northern Ireland (to stop the ball going to Lennon).” She added on, “It has been a tight contest (in Nations Cup). We have a young squad and we were looking into developing the squad, working as many players as possible.”

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Noleen Lennon (GS) using her height advantage to reach for the ball. (Photo 2 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Hayley Mulheron (GK) fails to intercept the ball from Noleen Lennon (GS). (Photo 3 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Hayley Mulheron (GK) manages to knock the ball away from Noleen Lennon (GS). (Photo 4 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Northern Ireland’s Micaela Brunton (GD) hits the ball out as Scotland’s Lesley MacDonald (GS) was just about to score. (Photo 5 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Scotland’s Lesley MacDonald (GS) preparing to shoot as Northern Ireland’s Micaela Brunton (GD) raises her hand, trying to block. (Photo 6 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Scotland’s Hayley MacKellar and Northern Ireland’s Noleen Lennon (GS) chasing after the ball. (Photo 7 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

Hayley Mulheron (GK) misses the chance to intercept the ball from Noleen Lennon (GS). (Photo 8 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)

Nations Cup 2009 Final Northern Ireland vs Scotland

The Northern Ireland Team was all smiles at the end of the day after beating Scotland to earn the Championship trophy. (Photo 9 © Vanessa Lim/Red Sports)