The NTU GA receiving a pass with a SIM defender trying to slip in from behind to steal the ball. (Photo 2 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

The NTU GA taking a shot with a SIM defender trying to put a hand to it. (Photo 3 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

An NTU player receiving a hard pass from her teammate. (Photo 4 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

The SIM C losing the ball. (Photo 5 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

The NTU player trying to intercept the pass towards the SIM GS. (Photo 6 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

Both sides hustling to grab the loose ball. (Photo 7 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

N.B. If you know the names of the players shown in the photos, please share with us and we’ll update the captions. Please tell us the photo number. Thanks.