Lim Jia Min (NTU #16) looking to take a shot with Juliana Ang (SIM #88) trying to put a hand to stop her. Jia Min had a game-high 25 points. (Photo 2 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

Juliana (SIM #22) intercepting a sloppy pass that doesn’t reach Lim Shi Hui (NTU #9). (Photo 3 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

Juliana Ang (SIM #88) driving to the basket past Lim Shi Hui (NTU #9). Juliana had a game high of 17 points for her team. (Photo 4 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)

Wee Hui Min (SIM #9) going up for the basket with Lim Shi Hui (NTU #9) closing in to try deny it. (Photo 5 © Joseph Lee/Red Sports)