Story by Koh Yizhe/Red Sports


Felicia Lim is part of the team that won floorball gold at the SEA Games. (Photo 1 © Sasha Christian/Red Sports)

vision 2030 live better through sports

Felicia Lim Hui Ting, 21, is part of the floorball team that just won the gold medal today at the 2013 South-East Asian (SEA) Games. As floorball is a demonstration sport at the 2013 SEA Games, no official medals were given out. The competition was also held ahead of the Games’ opening ceremony on December 11.

The youngest of three siblings, Felicia is currently a business undergraduate at the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM).

Red Sports caught up with Felicia to hear about her floorball experiences.

Koh Yizhe: What challenges have you faced heading into the SEA Games?
Felicia: The team was only informed about our participation in the SEA Games in October this year, so there was some time constraints with regards to preparation. We had difficulties securing training venue. Nevertheless, the team has been training hard to prepare and have put in our best in all trainings.

What do you hope to gain from this SEA Games?
Felicia: Even though floorball is only a demonstration sport at the SEA Games this year, the team is pretty serious about it. I hope we can do Singapore proud and show the rest of the world what floorball is really about. At the same time, I hope it will encourage more countries to participate in the floorball event in the 2015 SEA Games.

What was your training like in the lead-up to the SEA Games?
Felicia: Besides national trainings, I have school trainings and external club trainings to attend weekly. I spend about four days a week on my floorball trainings. Besides court trainings, we do physical trainings to build up on our fitness. I have been working a lot on my stamina and I try to hit the gym or do my own workouts at home on my off days. It requires a lot of discipline and commitment while juggling with my studies.

How many times have you been to the SEA Games?
Felicia: This is actually my first time at the SEA Games. Floorball is going to be a demonstration sport this year. I’m really hoping that floorball will be a competitive sport event in the SEA Games 2015!

How did you get started in your sport?
Felicia: I first started floorball as a CCA in CHIJ Katong Convent when I was 13. Honestly, I didn’t expect myself to continue playing floorball till now. Initially, I wasn’t even selected to be part of the school team when I first joined floorball. I’m glad that my hard work and determination has paid off!

What is your biggest motivation?
Felicia: My team and my coaches. Knowing that they are giving their 110% pushes me to do better each time at each training.

Which school(s) did you represent?
Felicia: I have played for CHIJ Katong Convent in secondary school and Ngee Ann Polytechnic (I was team captain from 2011-2012). Currently, I play for the Singapore Institute of Management.

What was your best school sport memory?
Felicia: Floorball! I’ve got to say that besides being an extremely fun sport, floorball has taught me many values especially since it’s a team sport.

Any pre-match rituals?
Felicia: Eat well, hydrate and sleep early. To prep myself, I would try to visualise myself on court and imagine the different situations I might face during the match. I try not to over-think but just go on court and have fun!

What is your favourite food?
Felicia: Chocolates and durians! I love all things sweet but I try to eat them in moderation.

Lim Pei Ting Felicia
Age: 21
Date of Birth: December 15, 1992
Height: 158cm
Weight: 50kg
Event: Floorball
Significant Achievements:
Asia Pacific Floorball Championships 2013 – (4th)
Singapore Floorball League Division 1 2013 – (3rd)
Singapore Floorball League Division 1 2009-2012 – (2nd)
Australia Floorball Open 2008 (Champions)
National Schools B Division Floorball Championship 2008 – CHIJ Katong Convent (2nd)
Singapore Floorball League Division 1 2008 – LMFC2011 (1st)
Singapore Floorball League Division 1 2007 – LMFC2011 (1st)
Singapore Floorball League Division 2 2007 – Singapore Combined Schools (1st)

Current Occupation: Undergraduate (SIM)

The Red Crew would like to congratulate Felicia for winning gold at the 2013 SEA Games! Do drop Felicia a note of support in the comments section if you can. We’re sure she’ll appreciate it. Upload photos showing your support of Felicia on Instagram using #ourteamsg, or on the Team Singapore campaign’s website: