Hi athletes and sports lovers,

As some of you know, I encourage any one to send in stories about their own team. Why am I doing this? The reason is simple. You know your own story the best. I set up this site so that you can tell each other what’s happening with your own team.

Is anyone interested? Yes.

An average of 30,000 readers visit REDSPORTS.SG every month and they are very interested in what you do.

So if you want to tell your own story, you can do so in any language you wish – English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. I will post it. That’s a promise. 🙂

So if you or your friends have a story to tell, you can go to Tell Your Story at the top of this page or just click on this link:


Red Sports. Always Game.




以下篇章翻è¯ ´Ã§"±RedSports志愿者,黎俊苇贡出。

运动å ´ËœÃ¤Â¸Å½Ã¤Â½"育迷,

你们大概都知é",æˆ ´Ã¥Â¸Â¸Ã©Â¼"励大家把自己ä½"育队的故事寄进来。æˆ ´Ã¤Â¸ÂºÃ¤Â½â€¢Ã¨Â¦ÂÃ¨Â¿â„¢Ã¦Â Â·Ã¥ÂÅ¡Ã¥ ´Â¢Ã¯Â¼Å¸Ã§Ââ€ Ã§"±å¾ˆç®€å•ã€‚你们对自己的ä½"育队最了解。

æˆ ´Ã¥Ë†â€ºÃ©â‚¬Â Ã¨Â¿â„¢Ã¤Â¸ÂªÃ§Â½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã¦ËœÂ¯Ã¤Â¸ÂºÃ¤Âºâ€ Ã¨Â®Â©Ã¤Â½Â Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã¤Â¼Â Ã¥Â ´Ã§Â»â„¢Ã¥â€¦Â¶Ã¤Â»-人自己ä½"育队里的事件以及最æ-°æ¶ˆæ¯ã€‚那到底有人表示兴趣吗?


每个月平均有30,000 位名读者来到æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬REDSPORTS.SGçš„ç½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨â‚¬Å’ä¸",ä»-们也对于运动å'Œä½"育感到非常有兴趣。

所以,如果你们要说出自己的故事,你们可以ç"¨ä»»ä½•è¯­è¨€- 英æ-‡ï¼ŒåŽæ-‡ï¼Œé©¬æ¥è¯­æˆ-印度语,æˆ ´Ã¤Â¸â‚¬Ã¥Â®Å¡Ã¤Â¼Å¡Ã¦Å Å Ã¥Â®Æ’æ"¾åœ¨æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§Â½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã¤Â¸Å Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨Â¿â„¢Ã¦ËœÂ¯Ã¦Ë† ´Ã¥Â¯Â¹Ã¤Â½Â Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨Â¯ÂºÃ¨Â¨â‚¬Ã£â‚¬â€šicon_smile.gif

若你自己,æˆ-你的朋友有故事要让æˆ ´Ã¤Â»Â¬Ã§Å¸Â¥Ã©Â",你们可以到以上的 Tell Your Story ,æˆ-者跟随以下的ç½ ´Ã§Â«â„¢Ã¥Ë†Â°Ã¯Â¼Å¡




ç¼-è¾ ´ + æ ´â€žÃ¥Â½Â±Ã¥Â¸Ë†

Editor's note: Unfortunately, I am only able to translate this post into Mandarin. If any of you can translate it into any other language, please feel free to do so and email it to me at lesATredsportsDOTsg. Translation done by Lai Jun Wei.