Hi athletes and Red Sports readers,

Guess what? We passed the 500,000-page view mark today. That means, pages on this web site were accessed a total of half a million times.


This site is now receiving an average of 21,000 unique visitors a month. Visitors view an average of 71,000 pages monthly. And the readers don’t just come and go.

Based on a sample size of 500 visitors, these are the statistics:

About 24% hang out for 30s to 5 mins. ("Just the scores, Uncle Les, just the scores.")

About 11% hang out for 5 to 20 mins. ("Hey Uncle Les, you misspelt my name … Uncle Les, can you come down tomorrow? … Uncle Les, how come you never take my picture?")

About 9% hang out for 20 mins to an hour. ("Uncle Les, you took my picture but my picture so ugly. Can you take again? … Uncle Les, how you make money? … Uncle Les, why your pictures so underexposed?" … Uncle Les, which camera should I buy? The 30D or the 450D? My mother said …")

About 3% hang out for more than an hour. (I don’t know what they are doing. Maybe they study using the red glow from the Red Sports front page.)

So because of the high traffic numbers, I was thrown out by my first server landlord based in the US. So I "moved house". Then when I moved into the new place (also another US server – it’s cheaper in the US), the new landlord gave me a bill of USD 1,080 after one month. Yes, that’s US DOLLARS. Why? Because my traffic was too high and burst my quota. I flipped when I saw the bill. Running costs for this site will exceed the $10,000-mark by the end of the year.

So that’s why I have set up RedSports Shop so that you can buy things from Red Sports to help me out. Please have a look.

I am going to try my best to keep this site updated as frequently as it is humanly possible. As of today, there are 422 posts in this web site.  All schools and all sports welcome. There are now 19 sports categories on Red Sports. All this is in just under 6 months.
The visitor numbers prove that school sports is special and it’s worth preserving the best moments of our games for Singaporeans to read about. Because at the end of the day, those who troop onto the field of play are our friends and teammates, and they represent our school and our badge. Playing for your school is a duty and a responsibility, it is an honour and a privilege.

So play hard, play fair. School sports rock.

Red Sports. Always Game. ®

