By Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports

woodlands cross country

Siva, a Secondary One student running with the Singapore flag in Woodlands Secondary’s cross country. (Photo 1 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Republic Polytechnic/Admiralty Park, Friday, August 6, 2010 – As schools across the island celebrated National Day today with traditional concerts and festivities in their respective campuses, Woodlands Secondary adopted a different approach by celebrating the nation’s birthday with a cross country run.

“This year is a significant year for all Singaporeans. We are celebrating the nation’s 45th birthday as well as placing ourselves in the world by hosting the inaugural Youth Olympic Games,” shared Ms Govindasamy Raja Lakshmi, National Education co-ordinator, on Woodlands Secondary’s decision to hold a cross country as part of their celebrations.

“With this year’s National Day theme being ‘Live our dreams, Fly our flag’, the cross country is symbolic as it highlights the students living their dreams and flying the flag. This is also a way to educate and instill in students the YOG values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect as well.”

Over 1500 students and teachers, flagged off by Principal Mrs Julia Woo, ran from Republic Polytechnic into Admiralty Park, some with the Singapore flag in hand. The students also took part in the festivities back at RP, ranging from quizzes, face painting, and the singing of national day songs. And what better way to end the day then with the whole school singing Happy Birthday to Singapore as one!

woodlands cross country

Principal of Woodlands Secondary Mrs Julia Woo flagging off the ‘C Division’ boys runners. (Photo 2 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

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