Story by Ian Chew. Photos by Lai Jun Wei.


JSS #8 goes up to challenge for the rebound. (Photo 1 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Singapore Basketball Centre, Thursday, August 21, 2008 – Jurong came bravely determined to steal a win, but Anglican High’s better overall quality and strength in depth eventually prevailed to give them a 59-56 win their C Division Boys Basketball Championship semi-final game.

Anglican High’s centre Tan Jun Wei (#11) may have struggled with foul troubles throughout the game, but his lay up with less than a minute to go gave his team a crucial three point cushion. That proved to be the winning gap as Anglican High held on for a surprisingly hard fought 61-58 win.

Jurong Sec had started the game brightly, taking a 17-16 lead into the first quarter break. They continued to frustrate the more highly fancied Anglican High in the second quarter, restricting their opponents to just a one point 32-31 lead at the half.

The Anglican High bench were clearly not amused at some of the refereeing calls and protested vehemently at this stage. Key forward Sherwin Yen (#5) was slapped with his fourth personal foul just before the half time break while centre Jun Wei was consigned to the bench after collecting his fourth personal foul as well.

Despite playing without their two key players throughout the entire third quarter, Anglican High’s bench proved resilient and outscored Jurong Sec 12-8 in the third quarter to extend their lead to five points. The gap could easily have been greater had back-up centre Jeremy (#8) converted more of his lay up and free throw opportunities. He still finished the game as Anglican High’s top scorer though with 21 points.

The start of the fourth quarter saw Anglican High fielding their starting five players in a bid to press home their advantage. However, the complexion of the game soon changed when Sherwin was whistled for his fifth personal foul.

The game sprang into life as Jurong took full advantage of Anglican High’s setback to regain the lead at 48-46. Both teams traded baskets as the scores remained neck and neck. Anglican High’s Secondary one point guard Wei Qiang (#9) showed his great potential with weaving runs at the Jurong defense, scoring four of his nine points in the fourth quarter alone.

On the other hand, Jurong’s Lucas (#8), Jia Cheng (#9) and Danish (#10) were shouldering the entire scoring load for their team. They accounted for all of their team’s second half points, with forward Danish leading the way. He scored ten of his 21 points in the final quarter, but missed a crucial lay up in the final two minutes of the game which would have given his team a one-point lead. Anglican High’s Jeremy wasted no time in scoring a lay up to put his team 59-56 ahead.

Jurong still had one final chance to win the game with 28 seconds on the clock, trailing by a single point. But they were left to reflect on a badly executed play that resulted in Anglican High’s winning basket. An inbound pass by Jurong was easily intercepted for Jun Wei’s winning basket despite a long time-out called by Jurong’s coach Zhong Yousheng earlier.

That was not the end of the dramatic semi-final though. The entire Anglican High team was hurriedly ushered off the venue without the customary post game handshake in a highly unprecedented move.

They will turn up again though in the C Division national final against Unity Sec, who won the other semi final comfortably 76-47 against Raffles Institution. The highly anticipated match up between the two unbeaten teams will take place next Tuesday 26 August at Toa Payoh Sports Hall at 3.30pm.


JSS #4 avoids his AHS opponent in his charge towards the basket. (Photo 2 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

AHS #5 tries to block his JSS opponent. (Photo 3 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

A JSS player charges down the flank. (Photo 4 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Anglican High’s Tan Jun Wei may have accumulated four fouls in the first half, but his basket at the last minute of the game proved crucial to his team’s victory. (Photo 5 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Jasper (#6) of Anglican High goes up for the basket while Jurong’s Lucas tries to stop him. (Photo 6 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Jun Wei goes for a shot amidst a tight JSS defence. (Photo 7 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Anglican High’s Wei Qiang goes makes a lay up for 2 of his 17 points. (Photo 8 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

JSS #11 tries to prevent the rebound from falling into the hands of his AHS opponent. (Photo 9 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

Jurong’s Danish charges into AHS defensive half unobstructed. He was his team’s star performer with 21 points. (Photo 10 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

The AHS players congratulating each other on their narrow victory. They failed to acknowledge their opponents’ efforts though. (Photo 11 © Lai Jun Wei/Red Sports)

More pictures in the gallery.

Editor’s note: If you recognise yourself or your team mates in any of the photos, feel free to leave the names behind in the comments section and we will update the captions accordingly. Thanks!