RED ALL-STARS: Who are your best 2015 SUniG, POL-ITE, IVP, A, B, and C Division netball players?
The 2015 B and C Division zonal championships are underway. We're sure you've seen some good players out there. Who are they?
The 2015 B and C Division zonal championships are underway. We're sure you've seen some good players out there. Who are they?
Minister Lawrence Wong shares his motivation to run the marathon and his running PBs.
"We see also the trend where, and this is not just in Singapore but also globally, sports participation is rising, but a lot more of it happens individually then in teams," said Minister Wong.
Over the years, Red Sports has been blessed to have many young interns with the talent and enthusiasm to cover Singapore sports, especially school sports.
"The design of the system is to create a base for all athletes and then we progressively increase support. The more the athletes get, the higher the level of the performance," said Minister Wong.
Minister Lawrence Wong talks about how ActiveSG can give school students more chances to play sport outside of the MOE system.
Minister Wong talks about sports industry jobs and creating more spaces for Singaporeans to play sports.
Here are seven facts about Singapore at the tournament.