
Latest Headlines

2508, 2022

National C Div Rugby: Saints defeat RI 36-12 to progress to final

By |August 25th, 2022|Categories: rugby, Youth in Motion|Tags: , |1 Comment

A free-flowing, back-and-forth affair between St. Andrew's Secondary and Raffles Institution in the C Division rugby semi-finals saw the Saints run away with the game after half-time to win 36-12.

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Youth in Motion

January 2020

IVP Triple Jump: NTU’s Ernest Ong grabs win with last jump while Jezebel Koh secures double gold for NUS

By |January 15th, 2020|Categories: track-and-field, Youth in Motion|Tags: , , , , , |

After some words of advice from competitor and eventual silver medallist Ivan Mun of SUTD, NTU's Ernest Ong grabbed the IVP Men's triple jump gold with his last jump of 13.85m. In the Women's triple jump, Jezebel Koh of NUS secured her second gold of the afternoon after also winning the high jump earlier.

IVP Track & Field: NUS’ Shohib Marican makes surprise comeback in 5000m; teammate Vanessa Lee defends 1500m title

By |January 15th, 2020|Categories: track-and-field, Youth in Motion|Tags: , , , |

Barely clinging on to second place, a blistering 65s final lap saw NUS' Shohib Marican snatch a last-minute victory to claim his first ever IVP Gold.

IVP Track & Field: Experience prevails as NTU’s Khairyll, TP’s Haanee defend 100m crowns

By |January 14th, 2020|Categories: track-and-field, Youth in Motion|Tags: , , , |

NTU's Khairyll Amri (#92) pipped training partner Naqib Asmin (#402) of SUSS by 0.09 seconds as he clinched his third straight IVP Men's 100m gold in 10.80s, while TP's Haanee Hamkah also defended her Women's 100m title with a personal best of 12.30s.

IVP Hurdles: SMU’s Kerstin Ong cruises to second women’s gold in three years while SIT’s Terence Tang grabs men’s gold

By |January 13th, 2020|Categories: track-and-field, Youth in Motion|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Kerstin Ong clinched her second Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic women’s hurdles titles in three years for Singapore Management University while Singapore Institute of Technology’s Terence Tang grabbed the gold for the men’s hurdles title in a straight final.

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